Hitler’s Swath of Torture Gardens Produce Arseholes

The good and great of it is that most arseholes have a bit of Hitler in them. It’s undeniable. So don’t deny it. You've often thought of donning tash and goose stepping down the street like a profligate Turkey the day after Christmas day. If you haven’t then you’re not into puerile shenanigans and are doubtless an arsehole with leaning AH tendencies.

This isn't all bad. We need the closet Hitlers as much as we need the whiter than an unsucked polo atop an angels head chaps. We need them because TNOTW needs them, sport needs them, Hemingway needs them, the Church needs them, etc, etc, and a billion more etcs. We need them because they contrast with our brilliant and gloriously striving lives, they offer views that are built on an underlying hatred and are therefore often irrational and easy to discredit.

We need them because if there was one billion miniature public Hilters then Godwin’s Law would be a more colourful one. Or at least we wouldn't have to keep referring to the mother of them all, that pantomime knicker nicker, mr AH. We could let him rest in pieces with his skull plastered, and his heart missing when last he saw it in action which is never. The theory that all online discussions eventually end up talking about Hitler is an interesting one. It’s interesting because this theory forces people to think of Blog topics which wouldn't elicit Hitler comparisons. Here are seven.

Godwin’s Law aside, how can you even tell who has a little Hitler in em? Well, good reader, let me show you 5 clear attributes that the (not quite) spawn of Hitler share.

1. They all have a girl who loves them beyond reproach even though he’s clearly not that into her – how can a heartless bead of cum juice love anyone? The woman follows him around with adouring, compromising eyes offering her vagina upon his every whim (he’s usually got a small whim, puerile, see?

2. They usually educe strong love from their followers. Their followers are typically people who have some need which they believe said arsehole can meet. Luis Suarez is a prime example of this. He’s adored by Liverpool fans who forgive him for being a foul racist with a pedant for lollypops because he’s a great football player. They need him and turn and turn and turn and turn their blind eye to his discretions. The rest of the footballing world HATES him. 

3. They are hated by those who only know OF them. Their deeds are unspeakable. A logical man wouldn’t associate himself with such an ‘on paper’ unspeakable arsehole. 

4. They are irrational hatred fuelled imbeciles who get angry when reason has not got them what they want. They shout and call names and try to belittle. The only person who gained anything from being little was Alice in Wonderland – and incidentally a strong advocate of AH.

5. They take themselves very seriously. They’ve never read The Torture Garden so they haven’t got a clue that we’re basically moving lumps of nothingness who are at the disposal of chance. Our advances, are not our own and are basically meaningless – in a cage in the middle of Africa no man has the power to resist persistent sexual assault. Murder is a word never used.

So there we have it. Hitler’s lackeys are everywhere. Boot up and fly right, Jacque. As long as the good men and women of this world are in the masses then we will out. One day the ants will conquer the elephant. Buy you copy of The Torture Garden now.

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